On The Record With...
Wayne Zenith
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Sidestepping half eaten bags of crisps and forwarding through purple shag carpet; I was able to locate the mad genius hard at work beside the laundry hamper. Zenith with caffeine breath was belting out another potential hit for the legions of fans that live in the spatio temporal continuum of the cyber pie eyed world. Redact and Rejoice. Robin Hood comes back from Hell and woos you to the dark regions of the Naughty Nottingham bedroom.
1. What began the musical odyssey known as Wayne Zenith?
I would write songs and record them on 2 primitive mono tape recorders, bouncing between them to build up the song. The instruments I used were an acoustic guitar that would become more distorted by playing it back LOUDLY out of the tiny speaker, a radiator for drums and my voice (which hadn't yet really broken!) I was 8.
2. What is the music scene like in Nottingham currently and in the past?

I guess it's full of emo's. That's what it appears to be to me. You have them in America too, right? I don't really go to gigs; I prefer the classic old punk bands (GERMS, MISFITS (with Danzig), CRIME, BAD BRAINS, GG ALLIN, BLACK FLAG, RAMONES, BLONDIE, DEAD KENNEDYS, THE RUNAWAYS, THE DAMNED, PISTOLS) and really have no interest in any of the current bland and boring English bands. If I do see a band, it usually just makes me bored and wish that I was on stage instead! There was a scene happening here a few years ago when I was in a band called THE GRIPS. It really seemed like something was going to happen. There was a feeling in the air that something was going to happen, bands were popping up all over the shop. Like the '76 scene's in New York and London. However, it never got picked up on by the music press. I figured they thought nothing has happened in Nottingham since Robin Hood, so no one bothered to come to investigate. It used to be good. Eventually we split up, it's a shame it didn't get picked up on, I really thought we were all going to become rich and fat! This was in the days before 'My Space'.
3. When playing live is it just you and a computer? Are you the new Gary Numan ;)
Fuck, no! I love playing drums too much to ever be replaced by a drum machine! No, I formed my own 3-piece band, initially to play my songs live, but we have also been writing some stuff as a band. So the material is a mixture of my hook-ridden power pop punk melodic stuff (not blowing my own trumpet here too much!) and more progressive co-written stuff, so we can show off a bit. Nevertheless, we're not talking 15-minute solo's here; everything has to be kept tight, interesting, and snappy, unlike this answer!
4. Has there been interest from any record labels?
No. How do you get them interested? I would love to know if you could shed some light! I once sent some stuff to Jello Biafra and he wrote me back saying he liked it but didn't have the money to release anything and that I should do it myself, like the Kennedy's did!
Well, I would still prefer it if someone else would do it for me! If someone wants to release something either by the band, the split E.P with COLLEEN CAFFEINE from CHOKING SUSAN or any of my 30 solo albums (seriously) please let me know via www.myspace.com/waynezenith thank you.

5. Has myspace helped you get your music out to various people?
Yes and no. I love the fact that thousands of people can listen to your stuff immediately that would previous to 'My Space' never have got to hear it. To me, that is the best thing about it. In addition, they can see artwork, photos, videos, it's just brilliant, - it really is. The downside is the competitive nature of the business. When you get on here and you realise the amount of bands that there are, all over the world, in just the same position as you. However, it's also proof that not everyone can write a song as good as 'MENTAL DISORDER' or 'WENDY O'! I don't know why anyone would not like those songs!!
6. Did Kim Fowley really give you that quote? (An authentic 21st Century MTV Voice)
Yes, of course! I wouldn't dare make something like that up! He didn't so much as give it to me but I stole it from him! He also said that if I had more songs like 'MENTAL DISORDER' I could have a chance at success with what I’m doing! This is from the guy that discovered JOAN JETT!!! I immediately imagined being whisked off to Hollywood but so far, it hasn't happened and instead I’m still in my bedroom! :( In addition, one of my all time heroes, Captain Sensible (guitarist of THE DAMNED) commented me saying my music was 'really quite exceptional'! That totally blew my mind, especially when I remembered that this was the guy that wrote 'SMASH IT UP'!!! My favourite though was when I met RAT SCABIES (former drummer of THE DAMNED and the reason I started playing drums in the first place), when I left he asked me what my name was, when I told him he said 'Oh, YOU'RE WAYNE ZENITH'! Now, that really was 'quite exceptional', and none of that would have happened without 'My Space'!
7. Vocally you sound a lot like Joey Ramone at times. That is an easy comparison and maybe a tad unfair to chalk you up as a carbon copy of a legend. Are the Ramones an influence? Do you intentionally try to evoke some of those early 77 DIY ethics?
Vocally, Joey's there as in influence but so is Dave Vanian, Adam Ant, Glenn Danzig, Darby Crash, and loads of other people I like. Particularly on the recording of 'Wendy O’, I did intentionally set out to sound more like Joey than usual. It's an angle and something I can do, so why not? The reason it's done is based purely on what I like to listen too. I'm not going to set out to sound like Prince or something, that's not my style! But it always sounds more like Wayne Zenith to me (and people who know my music well) than anyone else. The D.I.Y ethic is based purely on availability (using what equipment is at hand at that specific time), it's very cost effective and as I can do it, all myself I might as well just get on and do it myself.

8. Did you ever sleep with one of the Spice Girls or would you if your head became bigger than Beckham?
Spice Girls? Is it 1996 again? That would be classed as rape as I don't think any of them would be vaguely interested in sleeping with me! I prefer Madonna. I have been a fan since 'Lucky Star' came out in 1983. Serious. Or Shakira! Or Wendy O Williams when she was alive (!) or Debbie Harry circa '76!
9. You have cited Wendy O' Williams as an influence. The overall package of the Plasmatics was a force to reckoned with back in the day and probably just as essential now. What aspects of the Plasmatics are you influenced by?
The only thing I have stolen from them is when they say 'Ichi, Ni, San, Shi’ (Japanese for 1,2,3,4 in TOKYO Vs GODZILLA!) I wouldn't say they influenced me, but as a band, I think they had it all. The complete package. Personally, I prefer their earlier punky stuff. Wendy O Williams was very fine in her day and what with the onstage destruction of TV's, Cadillac’s, the conceptual art element created by their manager/songwriter, Rod Swenson, the pyrotechnics, chain sawing of plugged in guitars and the shit hot musicianship and songs, what is there not to like? No one did any of that stuff before them, they we're originals and should be given fair acknowledgement for that. The new PLASMATICS DVD that is coming out next month will spawn some new interest, I reckon.
10. The music business can be very cut throat. Doing it all by yourself might be costly but more beneficial for the overall result and integrity. However, a record label might have the overall push to get you the recognition that you deserve. Do you plan to do this as a career or are you currently employed at a day job? Have you put a lot of thought into the total indie route?

So... don't give up the day job? The D.I.Y route doesn't cost anything as I have the basics to record whatever and whenever I like, that's the best thing about it. But there comes a point where you think 'I would like other people to hear this, they might like it too!' That's what's been great about 'My Space' (to mention it YET again). The feedback about my stuff has been very positive too. Obviously, the next logical step would be to get a label interested that could push it further. There's only so much that I can do as a one-man army!
11. Why do the British have bad diets and bad teeth?
You know that's a generalization! Why do the majority of British youth wear clothes that make them look like they are going jogging? I don't know you'd have to ask someone who cares!
12. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
That’s a real job application question! Musically, it very much depends on the interest of others in what I’m doing as to where it’s leading me… If people are interested I could see it snowballing, if not, I may still write the occasional song about getting old, failure, and the pointlessness of human existence.
13. What is your affiliation with "Choking Susan"?
I’m not affiliated with the band at all, just Colleen. She was among the very first people I met on My Space (and yet another mention!!!) She liked my stuff, I liked hers, and I sent her a CD and came up with the idea that perhaps we could record something together by sending MP3s and emails to each other. It started where she sent me lyrics; I put music to them, demoed them and sent my ideas back to her for approval. Luckily, she liked what I came up with, apart from some sappy song I wrote lyrics for her to sing! LOL!! Therefore, as the songs were coming out so great, her writing lyrics and me the music, we thought we had better not change the formula and the 4 songs (an e.p’s worth) were pretty much done and dusted after 3 days. I’ve done the instrumentals and I’m currently waiting for the vocal tracks but I think she may be doing them tomorrow! I can’t wait to hear them when it’s all put together; neither of us knows what the other has been doing really!
14. If you could pick any living musician to work with currently who would that be?
The one that springs to mind is my hero Rat Scabies. It’s been my boyhood dream to have 2 kits set up and just play with him. That would be excellent! Also to work with Joan Jett would be amazing. Perhaps a live performance with Colleen (for real), Joan Jett on guitar, Rat, and me on drums and Suzi Quatro on bass!!!!! Now, that would be good! Failing that I would settle for playing drums with Madonna if she sung and played guitar (just us 2).
15. What process and equipment do you use to record your music?
Some of the stuff I use is so primitive, it’s almost embarrassing mentioning it but also good that I can get decent results out of what I have! Right, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: A ‘Squire 15’ practice amp (42 watts) and that’s what I use to record ALL my guitar and bass parts through, I have a Pearl export drum kit that I have had since I first learnt to play, a Fender replica bass (the first bass guitar that I have actually ever owned, bought off of ebay earlier this year), a yellow fender telecaster (that used to belong to my Dad (R.I.P Dad!), a ‘Kimbara’ acoustic guitar I bought for £5 (it has a snapped and glued back neck), 2 PZM microphones (the flat ones that are primarily made for wall attachment), a really shitty and small Yamaha keyboard I bought from a charity shop for £1.50 (3 bucks), a tambourine and a ‘chicken shake’ percussive instrument that has to be on 1 track of every album I do for ‘luck’. Moreover, that’s it.
RECORDING EQUIPMENT: Recently I have upgraded to a digital 8-Track TASCAM ‘Portastudio’. Everything prior to the last album ‘BLOOD OF WAYNE ZENITH’ was recorded either on my own or borrowed analogue 4-tracks (like the ‘JUST WANT A BLONDE’ CD for example), by ping-ponging tracks etc. I also now have ‘Soundforge’ for editing and adding effects. As long as this equipment continues to work (!), it’s making the recording process so much easier for me. The amount of 4-track recorders I’ve got through is ridiculous!!
RECORDING: I record EVERYTHING in my bedroom. The way I record is to start with drums (the drum kit only just about fits in my room!), record them on to 2 tracks (sometimes 1) depending on how much time I want to spend on it, then build up the tracks. So bass is usually next, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, finally vocals and layer each track into ‘SoundForge’ as I go. This is what I did for ‘BLOOD OF WAYNE ZENITH’ but I like to try various techniques whenever I do something, so 1) it doesn’t get boring 2) I can compare the results. Like the version of ‘WENDY O’ (that’s on ‘My Space’) I wasn’t happy with the results, so I went back and totally re-worked the mix, and re-recorded a lot of it too. I care a lot, about what I do and put a lot of time and effort to get it as pleasing to my ear as possible. When I record I am using exactly the same process an artist would when building up a painting, only letting my ear judge when it is right /done, instead of my eyes. I would like others to appreciate my work for what it is, (preferably during my lifetime!) and hope they get some of the same enjoyment as I get from creating it.